Oct 03, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Affirmative Action, Campus Safety

Affirmative Action & Title IX

Northland Pioneer College is an EEO/AA employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, marital status, gender, age, Vietnam Era Veterans’ status or disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its educational programs or activities. The college is required by Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto in the Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974 not to discriminate in such manner.


Upon admission to NPC, a student assumes the responsibility of completing each course for which he or she is registered. The student is expected to attend all sessions of the classes in which he or she is enrolled. Any student who has three absences without excuses acceptable to the instructor, medical or otherwise, may be dropped from the class, with the exception of Title IX protections for pregnant and/or parenting students. Students who miss the first two meetings of the class may also be dropped. After a student has been dropped from the class for unexcused absences, an appeal for reinstatement will be considered only under extenuating circumstances.

Communicable Diseases

“Communicable disease” means an infectious disease that is spread from person to person through casual contact, exposure to body fluids, or respiratory droplets. Examples of communicable diseases include, but are not limited to: tuberculosis (TB), measles, German measles (rubella), hepatitis, meningitis, influenza, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), norovirus, human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) and exotic pathogens (e.g., Ebola and certain strains of influenza).

Students with communicable diseases may pose a threat to the health and safety of students and staff. In responding to such threats, the college will strive to maintain a balance between the need to control communicable diseases and the need to protect students’ legal rights. No student or employee shall knowingly expose students or other employees to a communicable disease.

Decisions regarding the educational status of students with communicable diseases generally will be made on a case-by-case basis in accordance with this policy and its administrative regulation. For all designated communicable diseases, the college will fully comply with all reporting, exclusion, and contact control measures required by the Arizona Department of Health Services and the Navajo and Apache County Health  Departments.

When college officials have sufficient reason to believe that a student or employee has contracted a communicable disease and that through transmission, there is potential harm and/or risk to other students and employees, the student or employee will be required to be evaluated by medical professionals at their expense within a designated time frame. Should the student or employee not follow through with a medical evaluation within the designated time frame, they will be removed from all college activities/responsibilities until medical evaluation is attained.

Students or employees who have a communicable disease shall be excluded from the college only if he or she presents a direct threat to the health or safety of others as determined by a medical evaluation, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and as required by the Arizona Department of Health Services and the Navajo and Apache County Health Departments.  Reasonable accommodation will be utilized when there is medical justification that the transmission of the disease is highly doubtful and/or the risk of further exposure or injury to other students and employees is improbable.

The right to privacy and confidentiality of any student or employee who has contracted a communicable disease will be respected. Employees and students must maintain the confidentiality of medical records and medical information pursuant to state and federal law. Disclosure of medical condition will only occur to the extent required to minimize the health risks to other students and employees. The President or designee will determine appropriate disclosure of information.

[NPC Procedure #2751, based on Policy #1561]

Plan for Crime Awareness and Campus Security

Also, see How to Keep Informed, NPC Alert System, Student Texts, Closures  

Procedure 2555

NPC shall comply with all federal and state laws concerning crime awareness and campus security. Northland Pioneer College’s plan for compliance is set forth in this Procedure.

  1. Reporting Crimes and Emergencies Occurring on or Next to Campus

Employees, students and all other persons are to report criminal actions or other emergencies occurring on campuses or centers in Navajo and Apache Counties by taking the following steps:

  1. Dial 911. Use pay or public telephone at the campus/center as appropriate. Pay/public telephone availability is as follows:

• Hopi Center: Public phone in student lounge/lobby.

• Kayenta Center: Public phone in the center office.

• Little Colorado Campus: Public phones in student lounge and learning center lobby.

• Painted Desert Campus: Public phone in the student center lounge.

• Silver Creek Campus: Public phone in learning center lobby.

• St. Johns Center: Public phone in the center office at the front desk.

• Springerville/Eagar: Center: Public phone in the center office.

• White Mountain Campus: Public phones in Aspen Center hallway, Aspen Center office, learning center lobby, Goldwater hallway, Ponderosa lobby, and student lounge.

• Whiteriver Center: Public phone in the student lounge.

  1. Report the criminal action or emergency to the appropriate campus or center manager. The reporting individual should complete a Campus Security Incident Report Form and Cover Sheet. The campus/center manager will forward copies of the Campus Security Incident Report Form and Cover Sheet to the Vice President for Learning and Student Services, the Vice President for Administrative Services, and, as needed, local law enforcement. Northland Pioneer College allows anonymous reporting on the Campus Security Incident Report Form provided by NPC and delivered to the campus/center manager or the Vice President for Learning and Student Services.
  2. Should campus/center manager or staff be unavailable, the reporting individual should contact the Vice President for Learning and Student Services (800) 266-7845, ext. 6217 or his/her administrative assistant (800) 266-7845, ext. 6216. Reporting individuals may also notify any college employee of any criminal action or emergency. The college employee should then make official notification to the college of the criminal action or emergency by completing step 2 above.
  3. All students are encouraged to preserve evidence of sexual assaults. Some evidence is perishable and prompt action must be taken to ensure a viable prosecution of the perpetrator. All students and employees are encouraged to report any sexual assault to the authorities by following the procedure outlined in subsection “A” including calling 911 and reporting any incident using the Campus Security Incident Report Form and Cover Sheet. If a student desires assistance in contacting local law enforcement authorities, NPC staff shall promptly provide such assistance. (See also NPC Procedure 2110.)
  4. NPC does not maintain a campus police department or a campus security department at this time.
  1. Security and Access to Campus Facilities

Northland Pioneer College personnel shall ensure that all classroom facilities remain locked when not in use, and only those persons authorized to attend classes or to utilize NPC facilities, i.e. students, faculty, staff and those authorized through an approved facility request form to utilize specific facilities, shall have access to NPC facilities.

NPC does not have any on-campus residence halls at the time of adoption of this procedure. If NPC obtains on-campus residence halls in the future, the security of on-campus residence halls on Northland Pioneer College shall be the responsibility of the housing administrator and residence hall head residents. Off-campus contract residence hall security shall be the responsibility of the contract provider and the individual students. On- and off-campus residence hall students are encouraged to keep their individual rooms locked at all times and are not to keep items of excessive value in their rooms. In addition, all residence hall students are to receive a copy of the residence hall contract that deals specifically with safety and security considerations while living in campus housing.

The Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act

The Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act addresses sexual misconduct on college campuses.

Covering both students and college employees, SaVE clearly defines the crimes of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking and requires additional reporting, starting academic year 2014-15, on the annual Clery Campus Crime Statistics report (see www.npc.edu/crime-statistics).

Northland Pioneer College prohibits these crimes against our students and employees. How NPC will handle and investigate these crimes can be found by following the SaVE link on the Clery Campus Crime Statistics Web page, listed above.

  1. Campus Law Enforcement

The college shall work closely with local law enforcement agencies to ensure that proper investigations are conducted and reported to the college. The college will encourage and seek the prosecution of all criminals. Northland Pioneer College designated liaison personnel shall maintain an ongoing working relationship with state and local police agencies. Northland Pioneer College designated liaison personnel shall gather from local law enforcement and maintain statistics concerning the occurrence of criminal activity of students at off-campus locations involving student organizations.

Northland Pioneer College students, staff and faculty are encouraged to report to the proper police jurisdiction agency, any and all crimes. If the crime occurs on campus/center locations, it should be reported to the campus/center managers pursuant to subsection A of this procedure.

Any student, staff or faculty member who becomes aware of a crime, or who is the victim of a crime, should make an accurate and prompt report of that crime, in order to ensure successful police action. Pastoral or ecclesiastical leaders are encouraged to suggest voluntary confidential reporting by victims of crimes as set forth in this procedure.

  1. Crime Prevention Awareness and Education
  1. The annual disclosure of crime statistics.

The Vice President for Learning and Student Services shall prepare and disseminate, as required by law and Northland Pioneer College Policy and Procedure, the annual disclosure required. The terms of this procedure shall be included in the annual report. Northland Pioneer College personnel will gather and maintain statistics for the calendar year in which crimes are reported concerning the occurrence of criminal activity for each and all campuses/centers sites for the following criminal offenses reported to either college personnel or local law enforcement agencies:

  • Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter
  • Negligent Manslaughter
  • Forcible sex offenses
  • Nonforcible sex offenses
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated assault
  • Burglary
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Arson

Northland Pioneer College personnel will also gather statistics concerning on-campus arrests and campus disciplinary action for:

  • Liquor Law Violations;
  • Drug Law Violations; and
  • Illegal weapons possessions.

Crimes shall be reported by category of prejudice and by location based on the following breakdown:

  • On campus;
  • Of the crimes on campus, the number of crimes that took place in dormitories or other residential facilities for students on campus;
  • In or on a non-campus building or property; and
  • On public property.

No statistical report shall contain any information that would identify a victim. The report need not contain any reports from pastoral or ecclesiastical leaders unless the report is made voluntarily and includes permission to include the report in the statistics.

Northland Pioneer College shall gather from local law enforcement and maintain statistics concerning the occurrence of criminal activity of students at off-campus locations involving student organizations. Off-campus student organizations are those student organizations officially approved and regulated by Northland Pioneer College.

The college will request, through local law enforcement agencies, copies of any and all police reports, concerning incidents or crimes that occur at off-campus student organization locations, which involve students or staff from NPC. College personnel and/or designated liaison personnel shall be responsible to monitor and keep record of all such reports.

All students and employees shall be given the opportunity to learn how to contact appropriate law enforcement officials, the practices and procedures which are used by college officials in the reporting of crimes, and encouraged to be responsible for their own safety and the security of others by being notified of this procedure and the yearly internet publication of the “Crime Awareness and Campus Security” report. (see www.npc.edu/crime-statistics) Students shall be informed of the report and of the importance of security concerns through information provided in the College Catalog and at any orientation for students. Employee security training shall be included at least annually in employee training and in new employee orientation. Any programs provided by local law enforcement shall be advertised in such training and orientations.

A letter informing local ecclesiastical leaders of the availability of confidential crime reporting at NPC shall be sent annually to such local leaders.

  1. Warning reports to members of the campus community.

NPC will immediately and without delay notify the campus community upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or staff on campus (as defined in the Clery Act). Please note that, should such a warning compromise efforts to contain the emergency, they may be withheld by NPC in accordance with the Act.

If the immediate dissemination would facilitate safety and security because the crimes are considered to represent a threat to students and employees, the college shall disseminate information relating to the crimes indicated in subsection “D” of this procedure on a case-by-case basis through campus information systems, newsletters, bulletin boards or other informational systems and methods that will facilitate prevention of similar crimes. The college will not disseminate information obtained from reports to pastoral or ecclesiastical leaders unless the victim agrees to voluntarily release the information. No report or informational statement made under this subsection shall include any identifying information about a victim or the accused.

The Residence Hall Administrator, or if the college has no on-campus housing at the time, the Vice President for Learning and Student Services shall hold regular meetings to inform students of the continued need for security practices, including the protection of their personal property.

  1. College Community Emergency Notification Process

Each event will be evaluated to determine the notification method. They may include:

  • Community Alert System (RAVE)
  • Email
  • Text Messaging

NPC will test the emergency response and evacuation procedures annually. Testing may be pre-announced or not and will be documented on the NPC website. (also see How to Keep Informed, NPC Alert System, Student Texts, Closures .)

  1. Rape, acquaintance rape and other forcible and non-forcible sex offenses.

NPC provides information about sexual harassment, rape, acquaintance rape and other forcible and non-forcible sex offenses through its dissemination of its procedure against sexual harassment in the College Catalog, the Employee Handbook and student and employee orientation and training.

The following services exist for assistance of victims of sexual assaults: Navajo County or Apache County Attorney Victim Services and Navajo County or Apache County Crime Victim’s Compensation Fund; Community Counseling Center. Contact information for these services is available at the Vice President for Learning and Student Services office. No on-campus counseling is available.

NPC Procedure 2110 provides for discipline up to and including termination or expulsion for violations of NPC’s policy against sexual harassment and assault. In accordance with Northland Pioneer College Procedure 2110 NPC provides appropriate action, including but not limited to, changes in a victim’s academic and living situations (for NPC affiliated housing) if requested by a victim and they are reasonably available.

Notwithstanding any other NPC procedure, an alleged victim of a forcible or nonforcible sexual assault is entitled to have representation at any hearing or proceeding involving the incident on the same basis as the accused, and both the accuser and the accused shall be informed of the outcome of any institutional disciplinary proceeding brought alleging a sex offense.

Arizona sex offender registration information can be found at the current Arizona Department of Public Safety Sex Offender Information Site, at the time of revision of this procedure found at www.azdps.gov/services/public/offender. Some sex offender information is only disseminated locally. The local agency for disseminating sex offender information is the Navajo County Sheriff’s Office. Their contact information is PO Box 668, Holbrook AZ 86025, phone (928) 524-4300.

  1. Use, and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages and Illegal Drugs.

See Northland Pioneer College Procedures 2624, 2625, 2750 and Policy 1560. NPC students are expected and required to report to school in appropriate mental and physical condition. It is NPC’s intent and obligation to provide a drug and alcohol free, healthful, safe and secure environment.

Based on Policy #1350; [see also Procedure #2510]

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