2024-2025 Catalog 2024-2025 Catalog |
Your source for information about enrollment, programs and degrees, important dates, student services, financial aid, rules and responsibilities, graduation, grades, and more!
Welcome to Northland Pioneer College’s Catalog.
This catalog outlines the steps necessary for enrollment at NPC, academic programs offered, coursework to complete program qualifications, specific areas of interest, and course descriptions. NPC’s online catalog contains numerous navigational features to assist you with your academic pursuits.
Need Assistance?
Talk with an Academic Advisor to get your course and schedule questions answered. You can also learn more about course numbering, prerequisites, and core classes.
NPC’s online catalog is the official catalog of the college.
The information in the online catalog is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between NPC and any person or entity. The College reserves the right to change any policy, requirement, or fee, with or without notice.
* Previous editions of the catalog can be found in the catalog archive.
Submitting Necessary Change Requests
Should you identify a factual error within the catalog, please send a correction to lia.keenan@npc.edu.